
broken but still thinking

As the broken face of the doll lies on the wet asphalt, its shattered features gaze upwards toward the sky. In its silent contemplation, the doll may be experiencing a multitude of thoughts and emotions.

Perhaps it reminisces about the days when it was whole, cherished by a child who held it close and whispered secrets into its ear. Memories of laughter, love, and companionship flood its consciousness, mingling with the ache of loss and abandonment.

The doll may wonder about its purpose and existence now that it lies broken and discarded, a relic of past innocence and joy. It may long for the warmth of human touch, yearning to be repaired and restored to its former glory.

At the same time, the doll may find solace in the serenity of the sky above, finding beauty in the shifting clouds and the gentle dance of sunlight. In its brokenness, it discovers a newfound sense of resilience and acceptance, embracing the impermanence of life and the cycles of renewal and transformation.

In its silent reverie, the doll contemplates the mysteries of existence, finding meaning in the fleeting moments of connection and the enduring power of hope. And as it lies there, amidst the damp asphalt and the vast expanse of sky, it finds peace in the realization that even broken things can hold beauty and grace in the eyes of the beholder.

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